Football – 5 a side

Are you sometimes wondering where all the football Wednesdays went? Or even though they are still here, you would prefer to have more of the days like that? To simply switch off after the work, kick some balls with your friends, head for a beer afterwards, not stressing about going home early? Well, there is a possibility that you go with friends, during 1 hour football hall reservation play some game, kick some balls, possibly shoot some goals and later on go to a bar, where you can stay as long as you want and can. Sounds pretty good right?

What’s more, you don’t have to care about anything, ball and shower facilities will be there for you, so just maybe take some sport clothes in order not to be sweating your normal one. Just keep in mind, as it is called “5 a side”, naturally you have to be at least 10 people, so you can actually play a game. Get ready, it’s a game time!

We provide:

  • 1 hour football hall reservation
  • ball
  • instructions
  • instructor
  • shower facilities

What can be added:

  • return private transfers
  • return public transfers

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